Anya Kiseleva
Feya Health Psychotherapist

Integral Feya Psychotherapist, Psychedelic Assisted Therapist & Complex Trauma Specialist

Anya is a registered integrative psychotherapist at Feya Health and specializes in treating complex trauma with Ketamine and Oxytocin Psychotherapy. Anya has a BA in psychology and a Masters in Mental Health Counseling at Fordham University in NYC. Anya is an Integral Psychotherapist at Feya Health where she practices an integrative psychotherapeutic approach with her clients. As part of her practice, she incorporates a strong clinical approach with Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). Anya is an advanced level Trauma & Somatic Psychotherapist and specializes in the integration of Psychedelics, clinical Shadow work and Complex Trauma. She is also trained in EMDR, CBT, IFS, EFT, DBT, Gestalt Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Breathwork, Somatic Havening and Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy. Anya is also currently training with Dr. Gabor Mate in his Compassionate Inquiry training. The Compassionate Inquiry approach is incorporated inot her therapeutic process after completing a 330-hour, year-long professional training with Dr. Gabor Mate. She is also a certified life coach.

 Anya is trained in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies including with Ketamine, EMDR, Somatic Therapy, Internal Family Systems (IFS), CBT, Gestalt Therapy, and specializes in working with PTSD and CPTSD client cases. Anya has a transpersonal orientation in working with psychedelic assisted psychotherapy and has extensive experience of being on her own personal healing journey using psychedelic therapy. She is also an IFBB Professional Athlete, is a NASM certified personal trainer, a nutrition coach, and a 200 hr Yoga teacher.  Anya also speaks fluent Russian.

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